SNF Nostos



SNF Nostos Party with Laternative

22/6, 23.00 until late!, Agora

SNF Nostos Party with Laternative

A successful party is a party that needs to be repeated! One year after the exuberant night they soundtracked at SNF Nostos 2022, Stavros Dioskouridis and Panagiotis Menegos, aka Laternative, are back this year for an eclectic DJ set. 

They have been doing radio for 15 years, living in Central Athens, and spending a lot of time organizing and, most importantly, going to parties. 

Once again this year, on Thursday, June 22 at 22:30, they will welcome everyone finishing the SNF Nostos Run or hanging out at the SNFCC to a party that gives credence to the assertion that "Thursday is the new Saturday." 

What kind of music will be playing? Whatever would be on an immaculate playlist of indie to techno sounds for energetic dancing in the city's most beautiful open space.  

We’ll see you there from 23:00 until late!