SNF Nostos



The Voice of Youth: Advancing Women into Leadership Positions in Science

Friday June 24, 10:15, Lobby NLG

Joy Fan, SNF Nostos Youth Advisory Committee

Despite the huge contribution women have made to the fields of technology, engineering and mathematics, they still seem to be underrepresented in science. That’s why it is imperative that we take more measures to ensure equal gender representation, especially in leadership positions where the problem is even more pronounced.
Joy Fan is a senior at Columbia University majoring in biomedical engineering and computer science. She admitted, however, that she was initially considering going into political science, worried that she would not be able to pursue a successful career in STEM.

From an early age, her surroundings constantly discouraged her from pursuing a career related to disciplines like mathematics and technology, she explained. Referring to the existing systemic barriers in science, she highlighted the stereotypical portrayal of women in leadership positions by the media, as well as the systemic biases favoring men over women in senior positions.

Although problems such as the gender gap occur in all sectors, Fan pointed out that they particularly affect the health sector. "When there exists a lack of representation, there is a negative impact on the quality of health care," she pointed out. In closing her speech, she urged the audience to pursue their interests despite the difficulties but also to make conscious decisions to bring about systemic change towards equality.


