Achilleas Wastor, Cliff Almond, Panagiotis Andreou
Acclaimed Greek pianist Achilleas Wastor will be presenting a contemporary performance of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons for the Athenian audience, in a bid to combine the iconic 1721 concerti with contemporary sounds of the 21st century. To achieve this musical venture, Wastor will be joined by two leading musicians with a successful career in the US, drummer Cliff Almond and bass player Panagiotis Andreou.
Vivaldi, like all composers predating the discovery of recording media, used sheet music as the only means of recording his musical ideas, which would later be performed in different ways by musicians, depending on the instruments being used and the aesthetics of the time. For this particular concert, the emblematic work of the Italian composer will be revised and adapted to the sound and aesthetics of contemporary music, transcending the boundaries of western culture.
Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons is a group of four concerti, each of which corresponds to a season of the year. The work, which is considered to be the pinnacle of the Italian composer’s creations, was written around 1721 and published in 1725.
Achilleas Wastor, one of the most talented pianists of his generation, has earned international acclaim and has performed many contemporary and classic works throughout his concerts across Europe and the US.
Achilleas Wastor, piano
Cliff Almond, drums
Panagiotis Andreou, bass