The Centenary of the First World War Moving to New Places: Population Movements and Relocations during the First World War
The First World War is a landmark. From 1914 to 1918, millions of people fought and were killed, empires collapsed, new nation-states emerged and new boundaries were set, the promise of the socialist revolution was implemented in a big country, human memory and consciousness were forever marked by the experience and the consequences of that war. At the same time, however, the First World War was the leading cause of mass movements; movements of refugees and soldiers, movements of people chased by the war and by those who caused it, movements which affected all aspects of human life. On the occasion of the centenary of the end of the First World War, we shall discuss population movement out of necessity and forced displacement, and shall attempt to identify some of their less expected aspects that are nevertheless indicative of the consequences of the "Great War."
Elli Lemonidou, University of Patras
Movements of Individuals and Populations: International and Domestic Aspects of an Ignored Phenomenon of the First World War
Lena Korma, French School at Athens
Population Movements and Infectious Diseases in Greece during the First World War
Effi Gazi, University of the Peloponnese
“Colonial Troops” in Europe during the First World War
Dimitris Dimitropoulos, Member of the Supervisory Council of the National Library of Greece