“I see ahead of me the precipice toward which the oppression that has shrouded the country is leading us” (George Seferis)
Fifty years since the military coup of April 21st, 1967
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the imposition of military junta in Greece on April 21, 1967, we shall discuss the interventions of writers and intellectuals in the public sphere during the hard years of the junta. On the one hand, we shall focus on the impact of censorship, repression and exile on literature. On the other hand, with special reference to the circulation of ideas through literary and art magazines, we shall explore the ways in which the post-dictatorship literary field was shaped during the junta years.
Lizy Tsirimokou, Professor of Comparative Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Yiannis Papatheodorou, Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Literature, University of Ioannina
Kostas Karavidas, Adjunct Lecturer in Modern Greek Literature, University of Ioannina
Dimitris Dimitropoulos, Member of the Supervisory Council of the National Library of Greece
Nikos Giorgakis, Actor