SNF Nostos



The spiritual testimony of Simone Weil (1909-1943)

The National Library of Greece organizes a series of events and lectures in its new location at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center.

Friday June 23, 18:30, Book Castle NLG

The spiritual testimony of Simone Weil (1909-1943)

«Although a trade unionist, Simone Weil warns of the dangers of collectivity; although a rebel, she proclaims social peace; a pacifist, she stands, gun in hand, by the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War; a supporter of the Munich Agreement, after the annexation of Czechoslovakia she calls to armed resistance against Hitler; a libertarian, she maintains that ‘‘order is the first need of the soul’’ in L’Enracinement; a Jew, she abhors the God of wrath and revenge of the Old Testament; a Christist but with Christian tendencies, her faith, like that of many mystics, borders on despair; a Christian with Catholic tendencies, she does not hesitate to denounce the betrayal of the Church under Rome». These lectures explore the life and work of the woman whom Albert Camus regarded as “the sole great spirit of our age”.
Jacques Julliard

Florence de Lussy, Honorary Conservator at the National Library of France (Manuscripts Division)
Thanassis Gialketsis, Writer, journalist
Philimon Patsakis, Writer
Stavros Zoumboulakis, President of the Supervisory Council of the National Library of Greece
Manos Dimitrakopoulos, Vice-President of the Supervisory Council of the National Library of Greece