SNF Nostos



Demetrios Capetanakis as a reader and Capetanakis’ readers

The National Library of Greece organizes a series of events and lectures in its new location at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center.

Thursday June 22, 18:30, Book Castle NLG

Demetrios Capetanakis as a reader and Capetanakis’ readers

The essayist and poet Demetrios Capetanakis (1912-1944) was known for his erudition, sensitivity and literary acumen. Well-versed in many languages, he studied in Athens, Heidelberg and Cambridge. Having actively pursued his interests in literature, philosophy and the visual arts, Capetanakis drew upon all these areas in his essays in a highly personal manner. His exploration of philosophical perspectives in literature as well as his interest in the person of the artist beyond any given work set him apart from other essayists and critics of his generation. The speakers will showcase the uniqueness of Capetanakis’ thought as it is attested in his dialogue with Plato and Kierkegaard; Dostoyevsky, Proust and Dickinson; and Winckelmann, Van Gogh and Tsarouchis.

Fragkiski Ampatzopoulou, Professor Emerita of Modern Greek Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Kostas Ioannidis, Assistant Professor of Art Theory and Criticism, Athens School of Fine Arts
Emmanuela Kantzia, PhD Comparative Literature, Harvard University
Manos Dimitrakopoulos, Vice-President of the Supervisory Council of the National Library of Greece
Katerina Didaskalou, Actress