Bang on a Can All-Stars - Brian Eno's Music for airports
With 30 years of active presence in the international music scene, Bang on a Can All-Stars arrive at the Canal stage to introduce the audience to a relaxing experience of pleasant melodic sounds from the first composition made exactly for that purpose.
Bang on a Can All-Stars is dedicated to innovative music, wherever it is found. With adventurous programs, it commissions new composers, performs, presents, and records new work, develops new audiences, and educates the musicians of the future. Bang on a Can All-Stars is building a world in which powerful new musical ideas flow freely across all genres and borders.
Music for Airports is a creation of renowned composer Brian Eno and was the precursor for the music that today we call ambient, as it was the first composition branded as such. Designed to defuse the tense and the anxious atmosphere of an airport, this composition accommodates many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular, thus creating a calm environment and room for thought while remaining interesting as a music piece.
Ashley Bathgate: Cello
Robert Black: Bass
Vicky Chow: Piano
David Cossin: Percussion
Mark Stewart: Guitars
Ken Thomson: Clarinets